On Air Now

Chris Marsden's Home Run

4:00pm - 7:00pm

Tom Foreman

Any hobbies?

Record shopping, theatre, and messing about on my electric ukulele.

What were you like at school?

Chatty and quite easily distracted.

You are given an elephant – what do you do with it? You can’t give it away or sell it.

First of all, I’d have to name it. Stuart feels appropriate.

Then I’d probably have to take Stuart’s measurements to see if he could be a house elephant or not.

You’re stranded on a desert island – what three things can’t you do without?

A way to listen to my music, a pet of some sort for company (it could be Stuart if he’s up for it), and a good supply of eggs.

What inspires you?

Watching people perform. It gives me an adrenaline rush!

You win a million pounds on the lottery, what do you do??

I promised my Gran when I was very young that I’d buy her a tractor one day… not too sure why.

So, I guess I’d be down the tractor dealership!

What is your favourite word and why?

Flagellum – It rolls off the tongue.

What are you NOT very good at?

Sitting still.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Instant singing ability. I’d use it to become a frontman for a rock band.

If you were a type of food, what would you be?

Something fun, like popcorn.

What would the name of your debut album be?

‘Tall boy, Small Ukulele’.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play the lead role as you?

I’ve been told my hair makes me look like Timothée Chalamet, but that might just be wishful thinking.

Just someone tall and skinny would do!

Favourite ice cream flavour

Strawberry, or maybe lemon sorbet if we’re being fancy.

Your funniest / best joke?

What’s a vampires favourite fruit?

NECKtarines! (it’s not as funny as it was when I was 9)

Tell us THREE facts about yourself that others might not know

  • My mum broke my toe.
  • My dog broke my nose.
  • I’m avoiding the rest of my family just in case.

Your Favourite THREE songs?

  • Teenage Kicks - The Undertones.
  • Moonage Daydream - David Bowie.
  • Waterloo Sunset – The Kinks.

Your Favourite place in YORK and the surrounding area?

Earworm Records.


Coffee or tea? .....           Neither!

Beer .. or wine .... or? .....            Cider

Starter or pudding? .....                Starter

Mornings or nights? ....                Mornings

Monday or Friday? ....                  Friday

Sunshine or snow? .....                 Snow

The Simpsons or Family Guy? ....  The Simpsons

Rice or Chips? .....           Rice      

Double Maths or Double PE/Games? ....  Double PE


Weather in North Yorkshire

Brought to you in association with Flamingo Land Resort. 


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