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Gemma Taylor

About Gemma Taylor

Gemma Taylor's Quick Questions


I love weight lifting in my gym and doing courses on just about anything! I think that I am addicted to knowledge?! I also love playing games with my kids - and not letting them win! Spending time with my wonderful boyfriend. 

What was I like at school?
I really loved school (when I moved to Ripon Grammar), but … I was absolutely rubbish at P.E (then became a professional athlete for 15 years and one of the Strongest Women in the World lol!! I am pretty certain it was not because I was inspired by my miserable efforts at Cross Country Running!!)

You are given an elephant - what do you do with it? (You can’t give it away or sell it.)

I have always wanted my own elephant sanctuary to rescue hurt or orphaned elephants. If this elephant were neither hurt nor an orphan, I would make it a buddy elephant to all of the other elephants in the sanctuary, and it would be the happy elephant that all the other elephants would look up to. By the way… elephants are insanely smart. They have the ability to learn and feel emotions. Watching a herd grieve over a lost loved one is heartbreaking! I love elephants - I would like you to give me one, please!

You’re stranded on a desert island - what three things can’t you do without?

I would need a very sharp knife, a decent pair of hiking boots and a first aid kit with pain medication in case anything went wrong. These three things would allow me to create everything I need to thrive there. I would also probably quite enjoy it too!! 

What inspires you?
People. Especially those people who have overcome adversity. People who are willing to learn strength and be kind.

You win a million pounds on the lottery. What do you do? 

Buy an elephant sanctuary! 

What is your favourite word and why?

Sparkle. It is such a great word. You can’t say it without smiling. The outcome of sparkling is also always great!

What are you not very good at?

Not being good at things. If I am not good at something, it makes me want to be good at it!

If you could have one superpower - what would it be?

The ability to make people see how amazing they can be!

If you were a type of food, what would you be?

An Avocado - A good fat!

What would the name of your debut album be?

Seeing Sounds!

What would we find in your fridge right now?

About 8 avocados, 4 pieces of cooked Salmon, Kimchi, Almond Milk, Mayonnaise, Steak and about 2kg of Broccoli. Plus the regular jars of random things that need throwing away as we never use them! Oh, and 90% Dark Chocolate (and 70% for the kids)

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play the lead role as you?

Angelina Jolie

You have written a biography - what is it called?

The end is actually the beginning!

Your favourite holiday destination and why?

Norway is the most beautiful place on Earth, and my boyfriend lives there!

Favourite ice cream flavour?

I can’t eat dairy, but I love Cherry Sorbet.

Your funniest/ best joke?

What do you call a green fly with no wings and no legs? A Bogey!

Any middle name you’d rather we don’t know about?

It took my parents two weeks to come up with my first name. In fact, it was my sister that named me Gemma apparently - they certainly couldn’t think of a middle name, so I don’t have one!

Tell us three facts about yourself that others might not know.

1. I am a qualified Phlebotomist 

2. Until last year, I thought the saying was ‘from the Gecko’, not ‘from the Get Go!’

3. I have written six books, the most recent one with The Doctor, The Therapist & The Coach (I am the Coach) to accompany our amazing podcast on YO1 Radio!

Your Favourite THREE films?

  • Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
  • All of the Harry Potter Films
  • Dr Strange

Your Favourite THREE songs? (I can’t just have 3…)

  • The Voice by John Farnham
  • Let Your Love Flow by The Bellamy Brothers
  • The Sound of Silence by Disturbed (Simon & Garfunkel Cover!)
  • Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros
  • The Lucky One - Alison Krauss & Union Station

Your Favourite place in YORK and the surrounding area?

The bench at the top of the White Horse steps in Kilburn. It is like sitting on top of the world

Your Favourite place in the world outside of North Yorkshire?

It is the most idyllic lake called Bakkevann in Stathelle, Norway. It always seems to catch the sun's rays whatever time of day it is. It is the most peaceful I have ever felt, and every time I go there, it energises my soul.

Coffee or tea? COFFEE   

Beer .. or wine .... or? EVIAN WATER (I don’t drink)

Starter or pudding? STARTER

Mornings or nights? MORNINGS

Monday or Friday? MONDAY

Sunshine or snow? SNOW

The Simpsons or Family Guy? NEITHER (Don’t watch TV)

Rice or Chips? NEITHER

Double Maths or Double PE/Games? DOUBLE PE

Weather in North Yorkshire

Brought to you in association with Flamingo Land Resort. 


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