On Air Now

High School Hits

10:00pm - Midnight

Christian Blanes

About Christian Blanes

Christian Blanes’s Quick Questions 

Any hobbies?

Harry Potter, 80’s music. Socialising

What were you like at school?

I talked too much…

You are given an elephant – what do you do with it?

You can’t give it away or sell it. See if they are actually scared of mice….

You’re stranded on a desert island – what three things can’t you do without?

Hair product… A way of listening to music and Guinness

What inspires you?

Cristiano Ronaldo. The man works and pushes himself to be the best every day.

You win a million pounds on the lottery. What do you do??

Put it back on the lottery… and buy my grandma a bungalow

What is your favourite word and why?

Banging, (say it on air when 80s bangers come on!)

What are you NOT very good at?

Saying goodbye

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

To be a Wizard

If you were a type of food, what would you be?

A fajita

What would the name of your debut album be?

Christian Blanes Flashback to the 80’s

What would we find in your fridge right now?
Guinness, sauces eggs milk, Ketchup and more Guinness.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play the lead role as you?

David Tennant

You have written a biography – what is it called?

Always happy, Never satisfied.

Your favourite holiday destination and why?

Barcelona – the culture and cuisine!

Favourite ice cream flavour

Choc fudge brownie

Your funniest / best joke?

Are you some sort of postman? Because... I saw you checking out my package!

The quirkiest job you've ever had?

Radio presenter

Any middle name(s) you'd rather we didn't know about?

Dominic Rebollo Franthisco

Tell us THREE facts about yourself that others might not know:

I'm Half Spanish, HALF Irish
I used to play the Cello
I'm scared of the sea

Your Favourite THREE films?

Harry potter – Chamber of secrets
The law binding citizen
Shawshank redemption

Your Favourite THREE songs?

Desire – Years & Years Grffin Remix
Tears for fears – everybody wants to rule the world
young guns – Wham!

Your Favourite place in YORK and the surrounding area?

The Community stadium! For all the sports!

Your Favourite place in the world outside of North Yorkshire?

Weather in North Yorkshire

Brought to you in association with Flamingo Land Resort. 


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