Brett Butler

About Brett Butler

Brett Butler’s Quick Questions 

Any hobbies?  
My daughter Harper tends to keep me fairly busy and therefore don’t’ have time for many hobbies. However, I do brew my own beer when I get chance and have a decent bit of kit. I love hazy and hoppy beers like NEIPA’s and of course the best bit is getting to drink them when they’ve conditioned…yum! 

You’re stranded on a desert island – what three things can’t you do without?  
Music (it’s my life and my comfort), I really should say my wife and daughter, but beer and food are a bit more appealing in this instance ha! Should I have been sensible and said matches, a phone and a boat?  

What inspires you?  
People who work hard. My very close friends… music and water! 

You win a million pounds on the lottery, what do you do?  
Book a round-the-world cruise (after checking cash is in the bank) and have a further think about what do with it while I’m on the ship eating and drinking (also hoping I haven’t already spent up by the time I’ve got back). Either that or one huge party – you’re invited by the way. 

What is your favourite word and why?  
Fruitloopery which reminds me of brightly coloured cereals but also apparently refers to the use of scientific language inappropriately and without comprehension in order to increase believability of a concept. You’ve learnt something today, eh? 

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  
Teleportation as I love travelling and being able to just go somewhere on the flick of a switch… that would be awesome! 

What would the name of your debut album be?  
I can’t believe it’s not Butler (mainly as I’d have to get someone else to sing on the album, you don’t want to hear my voice, trust me). 

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play the lead role as you? 
Probably someone like Zach Galifinakis (The Hangover, Alan) as he is literally me… but personally I would have loved Robin Williams to take the role R.I.P funny man. 

The  quirkiest  job  you’ve  ever  had.  
I was Toby Tyke (and had a brief spell as Tina Tyke) at Barnsley FC during home games. It was great fun being able to do anything you wanted (within reason) and no one knew it was me! 

Any  middle  name(s)  you’d  rather  we  didn’t  know  about? 
Not that I’m bothered about…it’s Bernard or some people call me Bernie. It can get confusing though as my mum is called Bernadette and she gets called Bernie too! I’m named after my Grandad… 

Tell  us  THREE  facts  about  yourself  that  others  might  not  know: 
I play the guitar and have done since I was 9 years old. I have been on Eggheads and reached the final… then lost! I’ve ridden motorcycles since I was 16 but got rid of my latest pride and joy after having my daughter as I don’t trust other road users and wish to see my girl grow up. 

Your Favourite  THREE  films?  

  • Top Gun
  • Breakfast Club
  • BIG (generally any great cult 80’s film)

Your Favourite  THREE  songs?  
Wow – how can you even ask this to a Radio Presenter. For what they mean it would have to be the following: 

  • Music – John Miles 
  • DJ Flavours – Your Caress 
  • DJ Sammy – Heaven

Your Favourite  place  in  YORK  and  the  surrounding  area?  
I’m a huge fan of the city in general – it has so much history and we don’t really know what is under our noses sometimes. I love walking the walls and finding new places I’ve not visited before. I love sitting by the river and just watching the world go by…it’s so relaxing.

Weather in North Yorkshire

Brought to you in association with Flamingo Land Resort. 


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