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Lord Mayor's Appeal

YO1 Radio - Proudly Supporting the Lord Mayor's Fundraising Appeal

Here at YO1 Radio, we are very proud to be official supporters of the Lord Mayor's Charity Fundraising Appeal for the 2023 to 2024 civic year.

We're working with the Lord Mayor's Fundraising Committee to help raise as much cash as possible for this year's two nominated charities:

The Snappy Trust and

The York Women's Counselling Service

We'll be helping to promote a full calendar of events across the year - some formal, some less formal - but ALL of them great fun and raising cash for two very worthy local causes.

You'll find more details of the latest events on this page, on-air, and on our social media. We hope you will join us in supporting the events.


The Civic Party 2023 to 2024

A photo of the civic party 2023 to 2024

Photo credit: Furmoto Photography

The Civic Party for 2023 to 2024 is:

  • The Rt Hon Lord Mayor of York, Reverend Councillor Chris Cullwick
  • Lady Mayoress, Mrs Joy Cullwick
  • Sheriff of York, Ms Sue Hunter
  • Sheriff’s Consort, Mr Nigel Goodwin

Pictured: Sword Bearer, Lord Mayor of York, Sheriff of York, Mace Bearer (left to right, front), and The Lady Mayoress, CYC Chief Operating Officer Ian Floyd, Sheriff's Consort (left to right rear).










Weather in North Yorkshire

Brought to you in association with Flamingo Land Resort. 


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